Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Are your products safe for my family and pets?
A) Yes - We do recommend covering Fish, Reptile tanks and Bird cages.

Q) What should I do if I find active Termites?
A) Don't disturb the area, or spray it with 'Household Insecticide' - Just call us Straight Away.

Q) Are your products environmentally friendly?
A) Yes - Of Course!

Q) Will your products leave marks or stain my furniture or carpet?
A) No - They are water based and dry clear and odourless.

Q) Do I need to move my furniture or remove anything from my cupboards?
A) No - Unless our Technician requests this to treat a specific problem.

Q) Do I need to vacate the house during the service?
A) No - Although if you have Asthma or are unwell you may feel more comfortable to vacate.

Q) I haven't seen any cockroaches or spiders, why do I need a Pest Control treatment?
A) Our treatment is designed to also break the breeding cycle.

Q) What happens if it rains after my Pest Control/Ant treatment?
A) Our Technician will make an educated decision whether to proceed or re-schedule.

Q) How long will the service take?
A) Approximately 1.5 hours - Depending on size.

Q) What areas of my house do you service?
A) We will treat all areas of you home including the roof void and subfloor if you have one.

Q) How long before the product takes effect?
A) The products we use take effect immediately and can take 3-4 weeks to maximize effectiveness.  For more stubborn pests I.E. The German Cockroach there are a few treatments required.

Q) Do I have to cover the fish tank/pond when getting my Pest Control Treatment?
A) Yes, it will be best to cover the internal fish tank with Glad Wrap and a towel, then switch off the filtration pump.  If you have a reptile then the best practice will be to completely remove them from the property if able to do so, or don't get the room treated where the reptile is located.  If you have an external fish pond best to cover with a tarp until treatment has been completed.

Q) What to do after my Pest Control spray/treatment.
A) In order to ensure you get the best our of our pest management we recommend:

- Avoid mopping or vacuuming carpets within 15cm of floor edges for approximately 2 weeks.
- Avoid cleaning or painting walls for 4 weeks as this could remove or cover our treatment.
- Externally, avoid hosing and pressure cleaning treated areas for as long as practically possible.

Q) How long before the Rodent Treatment will take effect?
A) The Rodent Treatment can take effect immediately, however this all depends on how big the rodent nest is and placement of the bait or lockable stations.

Q) Do I need an annual Termite Inspection?
A) Yes - For a variety of reasons ranging from identifying preventative measures, existing damage and maintaining a manufacturers' warranty on applicable homes built after 2001.

Q) I have a current Termite Management System, why do I need an annual Termite Inspection?
A) To ensure it has not been bridged or breached.

Q) I have a steel frame house, why do I need an annual Termite Inspection?
A) Yes - If your skirting boards, window & door frames, kitchen cabinets etc contain wood.

Q) Should I get a METH TEST when buying a new home?
A) Yes - The full medical ramifications of Methamphetamine residue are still coming to light.

Q) Do you offer a warranty on the Pest Control?
A) Yes - Between 6 & 12 months depending on the service

Q) Why is your Ant Treatment separate to your Pest Control?
A) To ensure we kill the nest, not just the ants you see.





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