


Aedes (Aegypti) mosquito: This is the main species of mosquito that transmits dengue, zika, chikungunya & yellow fever.  Only live where there are people and live inside your home and hide in dark areas. The adult has black & white markings.

The female mosquito needs to feed on human blood to produce eggs and prefers to lay her eggs in containers holding water around houses and building that are near humans.

Usually only fly between 50-200 meters, depending on food (Human blood) and breeding sites (containers holding water).  Once the eggs hatch it takes about 7-10 days to develop into adult mosquitoes. 




Anopheles (Annulipes) mosquito: This is the species responsible for transmitting malaria.
The adult Anopheles is pale with dark marks on its wings and resting 45-degree angle to the surface.

The female with one blood meal can lay between 50-150 eggs. Prefer clean and unpolluted water.  Bite at night and rest indoors and outdoors.  They favour dark colours.  Egg to adult stage 6-10 days.





Culex (annulirostris) Common banded mosquito: This is the main species of mosquito that can transmit Murray Valley encephalitis, Kunjin, Barmah Forest, Ross River virus, Japanese encephalitis as well as dog heartworm.  Live inside and outdoors. The adult females are a moderate-sized brown to dark brown with a single pale prominent broad band on the middle third of its proboscis and similar bands on its legs.

The Culex mosquito is active between spring & late autumn, commonly appearing at dusk, though can be active during the day and indoors.  

Breeding is done anywhere where there is standing water, polluted or clean.

Can travel 5-10 kilometres from their birthplace.  Only females feed on blood to help with reproduction, while the male drinks nectar. 


Elephant (toxorhynchites) mosquito: This giant and colourful mosquito has had a surge in South East Queensland in recent times.  It includes the largest known species of mosquito reaching 18mm in length and 24mm in wingspan. This mosquito does not consume blood and subsist on carbohydrate rich materials from saps and juices from damaged plants, fruit and nectar.  Their larvae prey on the larvae of other mosquitos, making the Elephant mosquito beneficial to humans.