Our Services



General Pest Control

Want to get rid of those creepy crawlies in your home?

If you have a pest problem or just wanting to keep those creepy crawlies at bay, having a General Pest Control is well worth the effort. A Pest invasion can cause damage and cost you money and also threaten the health of your family.

We also offer separate treatments for German Cockroaches, Ants, Rodents, Wasps, Fleas & Bed Bugs.

What is covered in a General Pest Control?

A General Pest Control covers Cockroaches, Spiders and Silverfish and we exterminate by spraying the internal perimeter (floor edging) of the house, gelling cupboard hinges (Kitchen, bathroom & laundry), dusting in crevices (under fridges, dishwasher, ovens and washing machine etc) and roof voids.








(Kris Dwyer - Accurate Pest Management)

John (AKA Smiley) - Accurate Pest Management
Being supervised by the home owners dogs.

If you are having the outside of the house treated, we spray the external perimeter of the house, Eves, doorways, windows & sills, weep holes, under outdoor furniture (Red Back Spiders tend to nest there) and around the pool fence, if you have a pool.

Why is there seperate treatments for Ants & Rodents etc?

We want to target the specific species like Ants, as an example and not eradicate them on the spot, but be able to take the chemcial back to the nest and eliminate the colony. Rodents we have specific baits or traps.

How long will a General Pest Control take?

Depending on the size of the house, but a 3-4-bedroom home will take approximately 1 ½ hours to complete.

What happens after the General Pest Control?

The General Pest Control treatment can take up to 4 weeks to be effective. You may notice an increase in pest activity, however don’t be alarmed, as this is normal, as our application tends to “flush” them out. Normally, healthy cockroaches stay hidden, so the more you see the more our treatment is working.

Here are some helpful hints after pest control application

  • Avoid mopping or vacuuming carpets within 15cm of floor edges for approximately 2 weeks.
  • Avoid cleaning or painting walls as this could remove or cover our treatment.
  • Leave visible cobwebs for as long as possible (2 weeks) to ensure spiders are fully exposed.
  • Externally, avoid hosing and pressure cleaning treated areas for as long as practically possible.
  • General Pest Control is backed by a 12 month Warranty.






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