
Why call a professional Pest Controller

Rats taking over the streets as Covid-19 lockdown of cafes and restaurants

Rats taking over the streets as Covid-19 lockdown of cafes and restaurant’s


News in today, that rats are on the rise in Sydney, therefore we can summize that this will be the case right here on the Sunshine Coast.

Rodents are common winter pests, however with the closure of cafes and restaurants, rodents are out foraging for food even during daylight hours, as their customary food source dries up.

  Rodent experts have indicated that during the Coronavirus outbreak will mean that rats will go into “panic mode” trying to source food from anywhere including domestic homes and even resorting to eating each other. 

The flow on effect if properties are not treated for pests, is that the prolific breeding will continue and will be much harder to contain and treat in the months to follow.

Keep an eye out, as there can be several signs of their presence around the home or office.

Most common signs are droppings; dirty rub marks and an unpleasant smell, and some teeth marks.

Give us call! Know your enemies and you will win the battle before it even begins.

Got problems? Give us a call on 1300 787 415

Accurate Pest Management is trading as normal with customers and our staff’s health & safety our highest priority.

We are observing all Covid-19 best practice in terms of PPE and social distancing and we can safely treat properties whilst they are occupied. 



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